funeral planning wellington lower hutt

Pre-paid and Pre-planned Funerals

With The Funeral Trust, you can set money aside for your own final farewell or for a loved one. This reduces money worries for families and negates needing to go through any legal routes to access money from an estate to meet the costs of a funeral.

In accordance with the terms of The Funeral Trust’s Trust Deed, contributions are held on trust by the Trustee until they are needed.

Since this is a recognised funeral plan, contributions up to $10,000 are currently exempt if assessing eligibility for a subsidy for long-term residential care.

A Quick Guide to The Funeral Trust Plan

  • You can contribute towards the cost of your own funeral expenses or those of a loved one. You can also choose to set up a joint plan.
  • You can choose to contribute via a lump sum or by regular payments.
  • You don’t pay any account fees. The Trustee will deduct the costs, charges and expenses of administration of the Funeral Trust, including taxation, from the earnings on funds held in Trust.
  • The Trustee will seek to maintain the purchasing power of payments made. Note however, as it is not an investment product, no returns are promised.
  • Once the funeral director’s invoice has been paid, any remaining money in the Plan will be paid to the deceased’s estate. If a joint account is held, the survivor’s can choose to leave any remaining money in the Plan for the survivor’s funeral, or have it repaid to the deceased’s estate at the time.
  • If prepaid funds do not cover funeral costs, the funeral director will make arrangements with the family or estate of the deceased for payment of the balance.
  • You may not request a withdrawal unless the Trustee, in its sole discretion, has approved the withdrawal in cases of significant financial hardship or permanent immigration of the person for whom payments have been made.
  • As this is not an insurance policy, no health checks are required.
  • The Funeral Trust is offered by the Funeral Directors Association. The Association covers approximately three quarters of the funeral homes in New Zealand including Croft Funeral Home. Funeral Directors Association members meet strict standards of professionalism and care. Our funeral directors can work with you to help you decide the right amount to set aside. We can also help with pre-arranging the funeral service details. You are free to change to another Association member at any time.

For further information on the Funeral Trust Plan, including all terms and conditions, please get in touch with us on 04 569 7072 or by email at We would be happy to help answer your questions.